1947 Air France
The Vintage Map Shop, Inc.
Regular price $45.00
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By: Lucien Boucher
Date: 1947 (published) Paris
Original Size: 21 x 36 inches
This is a fine reproduction of an original Air France world map by Lucien Boucher. The original map was published out of Paris in 1947 as an advertisement poster for the airline.
The colors combinations in this map is what gives it such a striking appearance. To use different shades of brown for both land and sea is a most unusual artistic strategy. Embellishments of clouds, ribbons, ships, and vignettes stand out with their contrasting colors of pink, green, and blue. White airplanes are scattered throughout the map, flying along the various routes to international cities the airline serves.
The map maker, Lucien Boucher was a commercial poster artist and illustrator, whose work was very popular at time this map was originally created. Born in Chatres, in 1899, he eventually graduated from the Ecole de céramiques de Sèvres and began working as a satirical cartoonist for newspaper Le Rire. In 1920s, he created a number of movie posters as he began to perfect his surrealist style. Eventally in the 1940s, he was commissioned by Air France to create a series of poster advertisements, including the one imaged above.
Inventory #80005