1930 The Land of Make Believe
The Vintage Map Shop
Regular price $45.00
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By: Jaro Hess
Date: 1930 (Published) Grand Rapids, Michigan
Original Size: 25 x 36 inches
This is a reproduction of a most imaginative and wonderful original map by Jaro Hess. His work depicts a marvelous wonderland including castles, and fictional characters from many cultures, as well as very own imagination.
We see such familiar figures as the cow jumping over the moon, Jack climbing the Bean Stalk, the Emerald City of Oz, the house that belongs to Grandfather Know-All, Hansel and Gretel, Humpty-Dumpty, Cinderella’s pumpkin chariot pulled by four mice, Peter Rabbit, and the Pied Piper of Hamelin, to name just a few. We also find mysterious figures such as mermaids, peculiar fish, water babies and a creature that appears to be a creation by Jaro Hess named the Wonderful Moo Moo Bird flying high above. Meandering throughout the entire Land of Make Believe is “the path that leads to no place eventually.” With its vibrant colors and imaginative intrigue, this poster will brighten and bring conversation to any room in which it is hung.
Czech-born artist Jaro Hess' map has been stimulating the imagination of youngsters of all ages since its publication in 1930. Hess' painting, "Adventure in Storyland," which offered a dazzling Grand Unifying Theory of the world's fairy tales, was turned into a poster by The Child's Wonderland Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The poster provides not only a glimpse into the best-known fairy tales from different parts of the world, but also a glimpse into the inner world of Hess, who because of the Great Depression, found it necessary to do whatever job came to hand, while at the same time indulging his passion for art.
Inventory #81004