1946 The Progress of Transportation
the Vintage Map Shop, Inc.
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The Progress of Transportation Pan American World Airways The System of the Flying Clippers
By: Pan American World Airways
Date of Original: 1946 (Published) United States
Original Size: 14.5 x 21.5 inches
This is a fine print reproduction of a superb pictorial map of the world, highlighting the progress of transportation throughout the centuries. The map was originally published by Pan American Airways in 1946 when air travel was just beginning to take off around the world. It was during this same decade that other airlines such as Air France was producing a number of artistic maps designed to inspire people to travel the world.
The map intentionally centers on the Americas as it shows much of the rest of the world using what is known as an elliptical projection, which presents the planet in a ovular shape. Images representing various cultures, flora, fauna, buildings, monuments, and methods of transportation can be found throughout the map in superb artistic rendering. Also included are four large Pan American clippers flying to and from the Americas.
As suggested in the title, the map is surrounded by the theme of "the progress of transportation." Vehicles for ground transportation range from primitive wagons to coal and steam powered locomotives. Ships are shown to progress from Oriental Junk Ships and Viking ships, to tall ships and eventually steam powered ocean liners. Circling the globe one can see the progress from the earliest hot air balloon and glider the Wright Brothers flew to the single blade and sea planes that eventually lead into trans-oceanic passenger clippers used by Pan Am.
Inventory #81035